Sunday 12 October 2014

Social Media Book Tag!

Hi guys, here's another book tag! Enjoy!

Twitter: Favourite Short Book
Hmm, short book? It's Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone then, (AKA Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone).

Facebook: A book everybody pressured you to read
The Fault In Our Stars I guess. It was just so hyped up when the movie was releasing soon. I felt like I was the only reader who has not even read this book at all.

Tumblr: A book that you read before it was cool
Unearthly by Cynthia Hand. I read it way before anyone even mentioned this book, read and loved it. But now, more and more people are mentioning about this book on the booktube community. :/

MySpace: A book you don't remember whether you liked it or not.
The Shadow Falls series by C.C Hunter. I read it a long time back, but I wasn't sure whether this book is a yes or no for me though.

Instagram: A book that was so beautiful that you have to instagram it.
On my Instagram, the book which I was so excited about and had to post it right when I got it was City of Heavenly Fire (COHF) by Cassandra Clare!!!

YouTube: A book you wish would be turned into a movie
Hmm, this is kind of hard... Anna and the French Kiss I suppose. It would be a really beautiful movie with all the sceneries of Paris, and I would like to see how St. Clair would be acted out by some hot random guy. :D

The Mythos Academy series by Jennifer Estep. I really love this book and all 6 books are released already. A lot of books? Don't worry, it's really fast paced and you will find yourself on the last book at a blink of an eye when you start on this series!

Alrighty then, this is the end of the tag. Hope you guys like this tag and had a fun time reading this book. Until then, have a great time reading this week! Muacks! XD

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