Sunday, 22 March 2015

Insurgent Book & Movie Review (NON-SPOILER!!!!!)

Hey book lovers! I'm sorry for being so inactive! You got to blame school for this! Let's put all the chit-chatting aside, and let's get on with the reviews!

So I finished reading the book a few days before the movie premier and to be honest, I was just so overwhelmed with everything! From the characters to the plot to the ending! I was just so taken aback with everything! The characters were stunning and although Tris was kind of getting on my nerves, she was still so kick ass! She is a little reckless and stubborn, but that doesn't end how she was so annoying! She was basically lying to Tobias all the time and doesn't listen to him at all! She just keeps bringing trouble to herself! This book just had so many action packed into it, it was endless and really amazing! I really enjoyed this book so much, 5/5 stars for it!

So now, moving on with the movie. Okay, if you were to ask me to compare it with the book, it was bad. Like, really bad. I was so disappointed with almost everything in the movie, except maybe for the casts and the graphics and the action. It was a no for the plot though, although I did like how they added in the box, it was really interesting! I didn't like how they did not stick to the plot of the book, it was really frustrating when I was watching it as it was so different from what I remembered to the book. My mind just keeps flashing back to the book, I couldn't help it! >.<
HOWEVER, if I were to not compare it with the book, the whole movie was AWESOME! The graphics were really amazing, the simulation that they did was really thrilling and kept me on the edge of the seat because it was just too awesome and it was breath-taking! I would give it 5/5 stars for the movie itself, and if you have not read the book yet, then maybe you have enjoyed it better than I did!
But, if you did read the book before the movie, then maybe not so much. I gave it about 4/5 stars even though I didn't like the plot, but other things such as the characters, the action, the simulation and the graphics in the movie makes the movie so much more interesting to watch and  I just really like it so much, if only my mind could just shut down and not think back to the book for even one second!
So would I recommend you guys to read the book? Yeah, totally! I really enjoyed myself when I was reading it!
Then, would I recommend you guys to watch the movie? Yeah, why not? I may not enjoy the plot, but I would totally want to watch it again, that's how good it is despite the plot!


If you guys like Dystopian, Fantasy, Science Fiction, Romance, and Action, go pick this book up now!!!!

That's all for this post! I hope you guys will be intrigued and want to read this book even more after reading this! Love you guys! Happy reading this weekend guys! Muacks! XD